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I provide consultancy
from the comfort of your home

including prenatal courses

+ FREE telephone and email consultation


do you need:

• help with breastfeeding or to gather all necessary breastfeeding information even during pregnancy?
• to increase milk supply for your little one?
• assistance with latching or adjusting positioning?
• guidance on dealing with baby fussiness or advice regarding their sleep?
• help to transit to exclusive breastfeeding without supplementation?
• information on how to maintain extended breastfeeding?
• to address sore nipples?

My Services


Some health insurance companies reimburse lactation consultation services, so you can have my services completely FREE of charge.

Mother in Love

About me

I am 36 years old. I am a certified breastfeeding counselor and carrying consultant of MAMILA O.z. organization. I am also a mother of 2 breastfed children and have 7 years of breastfeeding experience. My uninformed beginnings were not easy either, and I know how mothers in a new role can feel.

I provide consultations in your home with a sensitive and empathetic approach.

I speak Czech, Slovak, and English.



“Naprosto profesionální, milý, vstřícný a ochotný přístup. Vřele doporučuji, protože petra mi se vším moc pomohla a podpořila mě, když mi bylo ouvej. 
Měla jsem ze začátku problémy s kojením, ale stačila jedna návštěva a díky její podpoře jsem se uklidnila. upravily jsme trochu techniku kojení, pak jsme Ještě následně dolaďovaly detaily po telefonu a vše si krásně sedlo. Druhou schůzku jsme pak věnovaly šátku a taky skvělé!
Jsem jí moc vděčná! Děkuju!"

Contact me

+420 774 039 565

IČO: 09781382

Feel free to call me, text me, email me or chat me, anytime


or you can fill the form below: 

Thank you for your message!



Breastfeeding counselor

Petra Drahorádová

774 039 565

or feel free to text me or write an email

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